In The Land of Sorrows

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In The Land of Sorrows

As a Christian writer, I have taken the trails and pitfalls of life and created a character that many women can relate to. It is my hope that my stories will touch lives and bring understanding in today's world.  Our Lord is mighty and powerful.  Amen!


In The Land of Sorrows is a compelling story of Daughter of Earth's life of sexual abuse as a child and the addictions of adulthood.

Daughter of Earth's abusive journey begins at the tender age four.  With a broken spirit, Daughter of Earth feels unloved in the heartless and unjust world. At twelve she meets The Savior and under the protection she grows in His love. 

A journey of 45 years will take Daughter of Earth into a wilderness with many pits, snares and unsavory characters, that propel her ever onward towards her destiny.  Will Daughter give over her will to her Heavenly Father or will she remain enslaved by the enemy. 

In The Land of Sorrows is a story that tells the truth about how God qualifies those he calls.  How He uses the broken vessels to do His Will and how He heals completely.


There are so many people that have mentored me in my Christian walk.  From my pastors to all my sisters in faith, God has blessed me with many people that have encouraged me, wept with me and prayer with me and for me. Many thanks to all of these people but to God be the glory for this awesome opportunity.

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